Bird Food

12 Top Tips to Feeding Your Backyard Bird | Beginner’s Guide

Birds naturally have a food-hunting nature to survive and keep their lives going smoothly. These food-hunting feathered pets most of the time wander here and there to get food. Some bird enthusiasts often serve food to birds to attract them to their backyard or garden. But what matters the most is how you approach birds and what you feed them.

Wild bird food can attract a lot of species, creating a pleasant view outside your window. Not to mention, a variety of food can grab the attention of different birds all year round. But, in this guide from Pet Life Expert, we are going to discuss some hacks to attract and feed food to your backyard bird.

Backyard Bird

12 Useful Tips To Feed Food To Your Backyard Bird

Feeding back yard birds is considered a good idea for any kind of wild or wandering bird. That’s because providing them with food will not only supplement their diet but also ensure their survival. However, doing so responsibly is the key to ensuring you are feeding healthy and nutritious food to your pet bird. Let’s have a look at the noteworthy hacks to draw your feathered friends’ attention and serve them food.

1) Set Bird Feeders at Different Levels

Not every bird feeds food in the ground, and their feeding spaces can vary from each other significantly. For instance, some birds might feed in shrubs and others feed from the ground. Additionally, some might even get their food part from the feeders attached or placed by humans/pet parents at different locations. By introducing feeders in different areas, a pet parent can attract a variety of species. Ground, treetops, and tube-like feeders are best for this purpose.

Set Bird Feeders at Different Levels

2) Offer Seeds Variety In Separate Feeders

To attract backyard birds of different breeds, adding a mix of seeds to their feeding pots or feeders is suggested. Additionally, to avoid food waste, you must invest in different feeders and add different seeds separately. Black oil sunflower seeds attract most of the birds. Aside from that, you can offer peanuts, safflower seeds, and nyjer seeds as the nutritious alternative. Some birds can eat sunflowers on the ground while tossing millet, corn, and other items to the ground.

3) Serve Suet During Cool Weather Only

Some insects eating birds attract suet food, which is simply beef fat. You can keep this food in a particular feeder, or a net onion bag can be used for this purpose. To ensure that it is away from the reach of any other pet, like a dog, it is advised to place them at least 5 feet above the ground. In addition, it is advised to not serve this food in a hot climate because it can turn rancid. Not to mention, the dripping fat inside can badly affect the natural waterproofing capabilities of your bird.

4) Mix Peanut Butter And Cornmeal

 Mixing peanut butter and cornmeal is another ideal substitute for suet to give to your birds in the summer. Make a perfect mixture by blending five parts cornmeal and one part peanut butter. You can add/stuff this mixture in any outside feeder or hanging log or also use the crevices of the pinecone. This is the most budget-friendly and health-conscious mixture that can be used all year round. Every kind of wild backyard bird can be attracted by stuffing this mixture.

Mix Peanut Butter And Cornmeal

5) Provide Fruit For Berry-Eating Birds

As we’ve talked earlier, the food for every bird can significantly vary based on their type, breed, and capacity. For example, bluebirds and robins rarely eat seeds. Attracting these birds will require you to soak raisins overnight and feed them the next day in the early morning. In addition to that, you can invest in blends for dry fruit mixtures. To attract other birds, you can invest in nectar feeders.

6) Provide Nectar For Hummingbirds

When it comes to giving specific food to particular species, the hummingbird is the most famous feathered friend. This bird is highly fond of flowers that produce nectar and sits on red tubular flowers to satisfy their hunger. However, this nectar can be given to backyard bird after making. Simply, you’ve got to mix one part of sugar with four parts of water and boil it until it dissolves completely. Let the fluid cool down and fill it in bird feeders. Finish it before the mixture catches mold.

Provide Nectar For Hummingbirds

7) Store Seed In Secure Metal Containers 

To ensure hygiene and food protection, it is recommended to preserve or store food in secure metal cans or storage boxes. These cans with secure and tight lids will protect food from mice and squirrels. Don’t store it in a heated area; select a cool and dry space for placement. Overheating not only destroys the nutritional value but also tastes bad after a certain time. Also, there’s a possibility of growing mold in the damp seeds; therefore, it is advised to not store them for long.

8) Discourage Squirrels From Eating Feeder Foods

Squirrels are more likely to be attracted by the bird food, making it unhygienic or almost impossible for pets or wild backyard birds to consume. Therefore, it is advised to invest in squirrel shield dual-mount baffles or pole-mounted feeders with certain obstacles. Also, make sure these feeders are at least 10 feet away from the nearest shrub or any tall structure. This is the ideal way to ensure that your highly priced food is saved for the deserving birds.

9) Locate Feeders To Reduce Window Collisions

The death rate of birds flying into windows has adversely increased in the United States. For this purpose, you can place or hang a feeder at least 5 feet above the windows, ensuring there are no window collisions. This problem can also be solved by hanging decoration pieces outside the windows so that bird strikes can be stopped. Another best hack is attaching a fruit tree net outside the window because it will deflect birds from the glass.

10) Keep Cats Indoors

This is one of the main problems in the United States, where hundreds of millions of birds lost their lives due to cats. Cats can eat or kill birds feeding on the ground or those colliding with the windows. Although it is difficult to control outdoor cats, you can have complete control over a pet cat because you can attach a bell ring to their collars that could alert any bird from getting killed by these cats and deter predation.

11) Clean Feeders And Rake Up Spilled Food

The most essential thing in feeding your backyard bird is cleaning all kinds of food dispensers, storage boxes, or feeders. You may know that uneaten or leftover food can become soggy and grow mold. So, it is essential to rake up the spilled grain and hulls. For cleaning, you can use a long hand-handled bottle brush, scrub the feeder, and clean it with the help of lukewarm water. After thoroughly rinsing, let the feeder dry properly in the sun.

12) Build Bird Loyalty

Lastly, the most important aspect when it comes to feeding backyard birds is building trust and loyalty. For this purpose, you have to feed them consistently. Maintain feeding routine, particularly in the extreme conditions of winter and summer. Pour different types of foods into the feeders to encourage different types of birds. Make sure the food is regularly changed and the feeder is properly cleaned. 

Sum Up Note

Feeding your backyard birds is not only an act of love but a symbol of showing sympathy to your feathered friends. It is essential to maintain the quality standard and cleaning routine when you feed food to your pets. To help any bird enthusiast, we’ve covered different useful hacks and ideas for your back yard birds. Hopefully, our tips will help you attract birds and feed a nutritional diet that doesn’t contain any harmful ingredients and meets the AAFCO standards.

FAQs | Frequently Asked Questions

Why Should Be Fed to the Birds in the Backyard?

Bird feeding gives wildlife a consistent supply of food, particularly in adverse conditions. You may learn more about the local bird species and enjoy birding as well. Make sure the food is nutritious.

Which Type Of Food Is Best For Backyard Birds?

Sunflower seeds, suet, mixed seeds, peanuts, nyjer (thistle) seeds, and fruits like apples and oranges are examples of common meals. Find out what foods the local bird species love to consume.

What Type Of Feeder Is Recommended For Beginners?

For beginners, a platform or tube feeder is a nice place to start. They draw a variety of birds and are simple to fill and clean.

Tracy M. Silva

Meet Tracy M. Silva, a senior medical writer with hands-on experience of about 15 years in the veterinary field. She studied biology and preferred being vet nurse and dietitian. With extensive experience in this field, she’s well aware about the pet’s life. As a passionate vet writer, she’s been writing about pet parenting, nutritious food, practical advice, and helpful care tips. Being a Pet Life Expert, she writes about pets after thorough research, ideation, and analysis and helps the audience by resolving their queries regarding pet life.

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